What's On Pubs
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See a live band perform in Manchester

See some hilarious stand-up comedy in London

Be challenged by a pub quiz in Birmingham

Experience the sound of a solo artist in Glasgow

No matter where you are there's pubs with great events
Our pubs
Here are just a few of the amazing pubs on our platform.

A wide range of event types.
At What's On Pub we have a wide range of events from pubs all across the UK and Ireland. Whether it's a quiz, live music or wine whiskey tasting, we have it all. Sign up to What's On Pubs today and start enjoying all the great events the pub has to offer!
Sign Up NowHow it works
The simple process to using What's On Pubs.
01 .
Search for an event
Our easy to use search allows you to browse pub nearest to you and discover events using keywords.
02 .
Pick an event you like
After search our wide range of pubs and events simply pick an event you would like to go to and click 'attending'.
03 .
That's it. Enjoy a great evening in one of our lovely pubs with a great beer or glass of wine, it's up to you!
Pub Pricing Tables
Checkout the pricing for our 3 different pub plans!
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